Thursday, January 7, 2010

And Here We Go Again --

Hi Everybody!

This is the ToC in My Sketchbook Project for Arthouse Cooperative. The first chapter entitled "The Simple Period" is listed below. I wanted to tie the theme "It's Not Easy Being Green" to the fact that sometimes it's not easy being anything... including ages, genders, colours of people as well as colours we put on or try to, anyway... so there's this to refer to.

After that comes what some may consider a funny if mean-spirited illustration, considering what kids often have to put up with from well-meaning adults. You may have to click on the illos to read the print... and as in some plays (as well as real life, hello), the adults are talking over one another and TO one another simultaneously as they also (appear to) harangue the child.

Makeup is a running joke in this Sketchbook Project. Just letting you know. You might notice that on illos already over here.

Have a good evening. It's sleeting here, snowing elsewhere.
Candace, Still In Athens.


  1. Hi, Candace! I feel for the poor girl in that chair! I used to hear about the starving children in China or India who would love my food. One day, I said, "Well great! We have extra. Let's package it up and send it to them." And I got out some baggies and started to pack it up. Boy, was I in trouble! :-)

  2. That's brilliant! You have captured that arrogant, I am the most important thing in this world, adult(sometimes!) attitude perfectly. It is not easy eating your greens-until you are grown up maybe!
