Friday, January 8, 2010

Circle 'Round

Hi Everybody!

I'm sharing a couple more images from "It's Not Easy Being Green", which is the name/theme of My Sketchbook Project pulled together by The Arthouse Cooperative. In a few short weeks, I will be in Atlanta at the premiere exhibit before it goes to Brooklyn, then on to Chicago, L.A., etc. I have promised Anne Gaal and Sarah Wallis, project colleagues and blogpals, that I will take lots of photos of everything.

I love circles. Spherical miracles. Most if not all of my images in the Sketchbook have some green in them somewhere, sure. But I always try to get something round in there somewhere! Is it because of that archetypal shape? Is it because it's one of the earliest geometrics and symbols recognized? Who knows and who cares! I just enjoy them the way I love the heart shape. It speaks to me. And I leave it at that and leave you with these....
Remember those peas on that kid's plate? Good advice from Mom...

And good advice always is below. I was thinking of Michelle, Chris and Devon when I did this one.

And I really love SPIRALS but that's another story for another time.
Stop by any old time -- I am posting till all the images are up from this Sketchbook Project AND the Atlanta Premiere. (Does that sound ridiculously hoity toity or WHAT???)
As always,
Candace in Athens.


  1. I love your little vegetable character! Circles are my favourite shape to draw, so therapeutic to make, whatever medium I use! Such a simple yet perfect and mystical thing. Children always seem to learn the name of a circle before the other shapes.

  2. Hi, Candace! I'm enjoying my peek into your journal! I especially like the girl-next-door framed by the circle with the spirally vines in the background. I think it is GREAT that we are all going to be in a premiere! Who would have thunk? :-)

  3. Hi Candace! I really love all of these sweet, sweet drawings! Like you, I love circles and I just CAN'T get enough hearts!!!...and it's not "hoity toity" at all! ;D Hugs, Paulette

  4. Thank you for the ferns! (she says, only a "few" months later) I hope you have been having fun and will post again soon. I find myself back in the blogging spirit lately. I hope it lasts!! ; )
